Europeans = Follow the $12/kg rule.
If you're shipping via Europe Tariffless, the 12/kg rule DOES NOT APPLY.
Instead any value between 16-21 would be fine for the whole parcel including decimals. e.g $18.34
UK = $12/kg rule. Do not exceed $135 as any more would breach your tariff threshold.
Canadians = Declare $14 flat, regardless of the weight or the line. (Excluding HKUPS) If shipping via HKUPS (Non-T), system declare the minimum, $30.
Oceania = $12/kg rule.
USA = Follow the $12/kg rule. If your total parcel weight is under 1kg, just declare $12.
Any country that use any EMS = Round up weight in kilograms and multiply by $12 ($12/Kg rule).
Use system declare method
Round UP to the nearest KG when applicable (e.g: Parcel weighs 3894g -> 4kg)